Minggu, Agustus 03, 2014

If you have an idea, information, knowledge that will benefit other people, does not hesitate to spread it. May be, your thought or knowledge can make someone solve his problem. Ideas, thoughts, knowledge can be poured into your writing and published on blogs articles.

For example if you have an idea about How Blogs Can Help Your Business, with contents such as steps create a blog, how get your customers, or how to make a good product. After published on the article directory, the bloggers will surely benefit from what you think about it.

Another example might be a good example is an article with title Variable rate is based on the Bank Prime. This article is the result of thinking from a Mortgage Consultant David Cooke. In this article he describes the challenge of how a variable rate to be based on the bank from year to year, with the point from his article is most economists are stating that Bank Prime will be increasing slightly in 2006 and settle back down in 2007 . Therefore, if you are at your maximum purchasing power or you’re a worrywart, lock-in, forget about it, and enjoy life! So do not just keep your ideas, knowledge, science or anything useful for others. Share it to other people, and certainly many that need it.

9 komentar:

  1. Blogs are very good for business. In my philosophy I beleive that if you own a business you require a blog, and if you don't have time to manage it yourself then hire someone to do that for you.

  2. hmm... gak ngrti numpang lewat aja lah :D

  3. hmmm. you right...if we have an idea in our mind, we should implement it as soon as possible, because it will be a great way to achieve your goal....thank for the share friend

  4. Not just happy becouse you achieve something but do you happy achieving it..

  5. iya sama gak ngerti maksutnya apa ya mas?

  6. The blog is the personal website to share the won thoughts with others. It is the medium to contact each other.

  7. wah wah ide bagus tuh buat cepet dapet backlink
